Tag: Region: Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Published: 29 November 2022

    Regional Spotlight – Cornerbook, NL

     An analytical view into the fish and seafood processing sector spotlight the Cornerbrook Region in Newfoundland and Labrador. To get a full understanding of the region, the report starts with overview of the Cornerbrook Region, with information on the geographic location and population. Currently, there is a sufficient local labour force to meet the region’s labour requirement. However, in the peak seafood there is also a peak in employment needs in other sectors in the region as well, creating a tightening at this time. The labour market is expected to tighten more during these peak season in the upcoming years. Giving you relevant information, this report on the Cornerbrook in Newfoundland supplies you with the full picture of their fish and seafood processing sector.

  • Published: 29 November 2022

    Regional Spotlight – Old Perlican, NL

    An analytical view into the fish and seafood processing sector spotlighting the Old Perlican Region. The Old Perlican Region is located on the northern tip of Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula, where they host three processors ranging in size in key towns like Old Perlican (pop.633) and Bay de Verde (pop. 392). The processing plants operate on a seasonal bias, and due to this, the unemployment can fluctuate drastically. The average monthly number of EI claimants in food processing sectors demonstrates the seasonality, with EI claimants ranging from an average low of 43 in May to 207 to 223 for December through to March. The region is also facing labour shortages to meet the region’s labour requirements. This trend is expected to continue to 2030, when they’ll need to attract 360 new workers. There are some solutions to these issues like temporarily re-locating workers in the Newfoundland region during the peak period or re-working EI rules so that claimants can work longer hours while on claim without losing income.
