Other Food Processing Sector Report
An in-depth survey where the information comes directly from Other Food Processors. From the 126 processors we surveyed, approximately one-third (34%) reported not being able to fill positions or chronic recruitment challenges. Through this survey report you will get to hear information about recruitment challenges, how many vacancies there are and what benefits the industry…
Highlights Brief From Canadian Meat Processing
Highlights from a Labour Market Information Study of Canada’s Meat Processing Industry
Labour Market Information Survey
With so many companies and processors in the food and beverage industry struggling with employment, such as hiring, vacancy, retention and etc. this survey report, Labour Market Information Survey looks at some of key issues that might be contributing to this. There were 740 food and beverage companies that were surveyed across Canada from Atlantic…
Highlights Brief From Atlantic Seafood Processing
Highlights from a Labour Market Information Study of Canada’s Fish and Seafood Processing Industry
Your Next Worker
With more and more positions going unfilled in the food and beverage processing industry, Food Processing Skills Canada conducted some research to see what are the current perspectives of the most promising segments of the population to fill these needed positions. In Your Next Worker, we surveyed four population segments (i.e., Youth, Tenuously Attached, Recent…
Canadian Meat and Poultry LMI – Executive Summary
Securing Canada’s Meat Workforce – Real Challenges, Practical Solutions, Fresh Perspectives
Accreditation Report
Accreditation Program Research Report
Labour Market Information Survey – Fr
Alors que de nombreuses entreprises et transformateurs du secteur des aliments et des boissons sont aux prises avec des problèmes d’emploi, tels que l’embauche, les postes vacants, la rétention, etc., ce rapport d’enquête, Enquête d’information sur le marché du travail, examine certains des problèmes clés qui pourraient y contribuer. 740 entreprises de produits alimentaires et…
Meat Survey Report
An in-depth survey report from meat processors to gain helpful insight. The survey had 417 meat processing employers participate to help paint a bigger picture of what is happening in the meat processing industry. This report gives a breakdown of the industry by giving relevant statistics about regions, animal and activity type, export markets and…
Meat Of The Matter Report Executive Summary
Labour Challenges and HR Best Practices of Canada’s Remote Meat Processors